A week ago my sweet younger brother Shane left on his mission. For people who aren't familiar with this process it's a two year commitment that Shane has made to teach the people in Sau Paulo, Brazil the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We won't get to see him for two years or talk to him besides email and letters, except for on Mother's Day and Christmas Day. He doesn't watch TV or listen to music besides gospel centered music, he doesn't have a cell phone, he wears a white shirt and tie every day and he gets paid nothing. He will spend his time walking around the streets of Brazil serving the people and teaching them about Jesus Christ. A lot of people wonder why in the world an 18 year old would put off their life for two years, being away from family and normal life, to do this. Well first of all Shane is doing it because he's an incredible young man. He's not the typical self centered teenager that most people think of. He has goals, he looks out for others but most of all he has a testimony of the gospel. My family and I are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or as most people think of it, the Mormon Church. To find more about our Church you can go to Mormon.org
It's a site all about our church and it has testimonies of every day people and what they believe and how the church affects their every day life!
I miss Shane so much already but when we got an email from him on Tuesday it really confirmed to me that he's doing the Lord's work and that he is exactly where he needs to be. I'm so incredibly proud of him!
So he left for the Missionary Training Center in Provo, UT where he will be for six weeks and then hopefully his visa to Brazil will have come so he can head straight to Sau Paulo! Wherever he is though, I know he's going to be blessing people's lives! So proud of Elder Shane Frazier!